Speech/language therapy can be an integral part of treatment for many children with special needs.
Any speech, language, or feeding impairment can have far-reaching consequences, affecting every aspect of a child’s life, including learning, play, and interactions with family and friends. At The Hear N Say Clinic, speech-language pathologists treat a variety of communication and feeding issues.
Language refers to the content of what is spoken, written, read, or understood. It is categorized into two areas: receptive and expressive language. Receptive language is the ability to comprehend someone else’s speech or gestures. Problems with receptive language may include difficulty understanding vocabulary, concepts, sequences, directions, and conversations. Expressive language is the ability to create a message that others will understand. A child who has difficulty expressing him or herself may be taught to utilize a variety of communication modes such as speech, manual sign, gestures, pictures, facial expressions, or communication devices. The speech-language pathologists will evaluate which mode is most effective for the child.

Articulation disorder
It is a speech disorder in which the speech sounds aren’t pronounced correctly. the speech sound that is articulated wrong could be placed by another sound , completely omitted or not distinct. The problem is brought into parents notice when the child speech interferes in school academics This when a parent need to visit a Speech and language pathologist (Speech Therapist). Speech therapy can help the Childs articulation.
It is a speech disorder in which the child has difficulty in Speaking fluently. This can arise at any point of time when it is noticed it has to be addressed by taking the child to a Speech and language pathologist (Speech therapist). Speech therapy will help the child to speak fluently and confidently.

Delayed Speech and language
Speech and language is delayed when a child’s speech and language skills are not age appropriate.
The child may or may not have associate problem like behavior issues, hyperactive, poor eye contact reduced attention span, and in some cases poor motor coordination in these cases the child needs more of Occupational therapy than Speech Therapy.
Cleft lip and Palate
The child tries to attain speech and language skills but it is limited Because of the oral structures are deformed from birth.
In this case the child needs Both Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy. Occupational therapy will help in oral motor exercises and deal with oral sensitivities.
Voice Disorders
Voice problem arises due to a number of factors:-
The mostly seen is the
- Vocal abuse/overuse:- this is misuse of the voice and generally seen from childhood to adolescents.
- Laryngitis:- this results due to inflammation to the larynx.
- Vocal Cord lesions/Vocal cord palsy:-Any lesions or paralysis can lead to it.
- Laryngeal Cancer/ reflex Disorder:-
Childhood Apraxia of Speech
It is a motor speech disorder in which the inability to do certain purposeful movements due to poor motor control.
in this type the problem arises in the muscles that are responsible for speech.
It can be seen due to various reasons :-
Brain injury, Stroke, Trauma to the Brain, and may be sometimes due to aging.
The speech of the patient can be rectified or treated by a Speech therapist along with different Professionals involved.
Pragmatic Language
Pragmatic language refers to how an individual socially uses language to communicate with others. Breakdowns in pragmatic language may include issues with the following skills: verbal turn-taking, maintaining a topic, listening to a conversational partner, using eye contact and facial expressions, taking the perspective of others, and expressing feelings in a socially appropriate manner.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is a system for communication of all forms, other than oral speech, that allows a person to express their thoughts, needs, ideas and wants. AAC could be an augmentative aid such as picture symbol system or an alternative communication system such as an electronic voice output device.
For a child or adult who has significant difficulty expressing their basic wants and needs or whose communication skills are not as advanced as their cognitive abilities, may benefit from an AAC device. Some common causes of significant expressive communication disorders include: cerebral palsy, autism, head injury, mental retardation, physical disabilities, Parkinson’s, ALS and stroke. Person’s affected by these disorders may benefit from some form of AAC.
At Hear N Say Clinic, our speech-language pathologists work hard to help children and adults communicate to the best of their ability. We work closely with commercially available systems such iPad and iTouch. We are able to assess and give professional opinions on whether an augmentative and alternative communication system is appropriate for a client and what type of system would be best. An assessment at The Hear N Say Clinic is the best way to determine which device would be appropriate for you or your loved one. A variety of systems including: picture symbols, programmable switches, voice output devices and dynamic displays are available for onsite trial at the time of the evaluation.
Please call Hear N Say Clinic at +91 40 40189282 / 96666 99282 to request an appointment . A staff member will contact you to gain more information to help guide you through the evaluation and/or treatment process. We look forward to hearing from you.